This paper details the development of an engineering assessment procedure for reinforced concrete (RC) column failure when subjected to time-variant coupled axial and lateral loads due to internal building detonations. This is based on a comprehensive parametric study conducted using an advanced uncoupled Euler–Lagrange numerical modeling; splitting the structural and flow solvers for maximum integrity and accuracy. The column assessment charts discussed in this paper provide threshold combinations of TNT equivalence and stand-off distance for a range of column residual axial capacity levels corresponding to two key internal blast environments: Vented and contained. This will be of direct relevance to both practitioners and researchers involved with protective design of civilian and military buildings.

Lakshitha M. G. Wijesundara and Simon K. Clubley (2015), International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 16, 1550050 (2016) [22 pages] DOI:

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