Numerical Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Barriers Subjected to Blast Loading

People’s lives are threatened by explosions; the tragic terrorist attacks have forced the governments to consider the importance of dealing with these attacks. With the rising threat of terrorism, protecting critical civil infrastructure such as embassies, governmental buildings, and airports against bomb attacks has become a critical issue. In the current research, reinforced concrete barriers subjected to blast loading are numerically investigated using Applied Element Method “AEM”.

Evaluation Of The Seismic Vulnerability of the “Ancien Hôpital De Sion” Using Applied Element Modelling (AEM) and Local Mechanism Analysis

The evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of monumental buildings is a difficult task and presents significantly higher level of complexity if compared to the case of new or current existing structures. This is due to the inherent uncertainty characterizing ancient buildings, regarding structural characteristics and constructive techniques, material properties, damages due to past actions, which should be properly handled in their seismic assessment.